Welcome to the new shop!

Welcome to the new shop!

So it has been a long road to get to this point, but we are so nearly there! After 5 years solely online I have made the decision to open my first physical shop. Yes I know, its a little against the grain, and yes I know the over heads are high but I love the idea of having my own shop and I knew the moment I laid eye on this space it was perfect. That was 18 months ago! I have faced numerous set backs and delays throughout the renovation process. But I wanted to make sure that all the original features were restored and re in stated. It is an 1820’s independent chapel full of character and although my choice to open the ceiling to create and mezzanine and to restore all the original features delayed to work for so long it has been 100% worth it and now I am happy to say my doors will be opening 29th February 11am. It will be a daytime event and it will be the first opportunity to view all my latest stock sourced in France 2 weeks ago.

I cant tell you how excited I am for this new chapter of TallBoy Interiors life. Thank you for all the support, I hope to see you all over the coming months and if you are able to make the opening then it would be fantastic and hugely appreciated!
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